For some reason, this country didn’t make iron canopy beds back in the 1800’s. Why? Especially when iron beds were so popular in Europe at the same time as they were here and canopy iron beds were all the rage. I’m sure the reason lies in the origin of the canopy bed and how it came about. In medieval times canopy iron beds were design for a number of practical purposes… was the retention of heat. The surrounding curtains and the closed top material panel encased the occupant in a cacoon that held in the body temperature and whatever other manufactured heat from coals that were put under the bed in metal containers. Canopy iron beds also elevated the mattress way up off the ground level and away from cold drafts. Privacy…….Yep, back in medieval times it was common for many people to sleep in the same room, since a large firplace sometimes was the only heat in a castle or home. So everyone gather in the large bedroom. The canopy panels afforded the head of the house some degree of privacy from the rest of the family .
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