I’m always searching for vintage photo’s and advertising of iron beds. I must say this is one of the more obscure ones mentioning of an iron bed, I’ve come across. Although I remember seeing bed frames in a number of different animated features of Disney’s.
It’s ironic that many many years after this comic book was published, I’ve sold numerous beds that have ended up in Disney produced feature films. The first one I sold that I was aware of that was in one of those feature films was “Casper”. It was prominently used in the lead child actresses bedroom.
Metal beds have always been a favorite of set designers. I liken their use to the exaggerated acting in theater, on stage, so the movements of an actor can be seen throughout the theater. Stage acting also requires a voice that projects to that back row. Not so much now, as we have microphones. But in the old days an actors voice and volume were extremely important. So were the sets that had to be magnified and overstated. Metal beds enabled just that. A tall bed, with a tall headboard, whether ornate or simple , left nothing to the imagination as to what the item of furniture was. Whereas a mattress on the ground…….there could be confusion.
Antique iron beds also enable a set designer to emote a certain sentiment or mood to a scene or act. If the finish on the bed is white bright and cheerful, likely so to will the mood be. If the finish is a darker or even black finish……a darker more serious and solemn atmosphere can be achieved.
Even today when a person or interior designer decides on a particular finish….be it cheerful and light or darker and more mature. They are determining the mood of a room.