Throughout modern history, stories have been told of the beautiful canopy beds that Princesses have had. They were widely spread by animation companies like the Disney Co., who have practically developed a new “Princess” every few years and then done an animated motion pictures about her. Those movies have had a profound influence on our daughters and the way they view the world growing up.
It’s been said Walt Disney has influenced more little girls in this country than any other single individual. Fortunately that overall influence has been good and has helped many a young lady aspire to the ideals and position held by their fairy tale idylls. Self esteem , self worth, good values and strength in character……..all things we hope to impart to our children.
I was very fortunate to have sold a beautiful iron bed to a set decorator for a Disney feature film over 30 years ago. Since that time I have lost count of the number of antique iron beds they have come to me for. I’ve even seen particular bed they had me convert to “Crown Canopies” , show up in animated films that they did exact duplicates of the original bed I did for them.
As their first “big girl” bed, once they grew out of their cribs, I did tall Crown Canopy bed frames for both of my daughters. As they grew older they came to me and asked that I do a different bed for them. It seemed to be a natural progression in their growth and maturity to want to have something other than a “Princess” canopy. They now are 17 and 22 years old and still have antique iron beds in their rooms. But the frames they now have are much more mature looking with more of a master bedroom look. They’ve also had me color coordinate their beds to the colors highlighted in their rooms.
But make no mistake……..there are few little girls that wouldn’t love to have their own “Princess” bed. As any interior designer.
I hope you’ve found this blog informative . I invite you to revisit my website
to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at our company Face Book page for multiple photo albums on Custom Finishes, Canopy Conversions and a comprehensive “Before & After” King Conversions album.