This happens to be one of the top three antique iron beds I’ve seen, in the 40 years of being in this business. As you’ll see from the photo?.. it’s not a bed for everyone, rather a select few.
It has quite a fun pedigree. I’ve actually known about it for over 10 years. A “picker”, in Colorado, that I’ve been doing business with for over 30 years told me about it, and that when he got his hands on it, he’d let me know. It’s a “one of a kind” that came out of the leading brothel in Grand Junction Colorado. People such as Wyatt Earp, “Doc” Holliday who died right down the road in Glennwood Springs, were known to frequent the house this bed came out of. Who knows who may have slept in it. But it was from back in the mid 1800’s. When the wild west was still actually considered wild.
The width, between the side rails, is the standard 54″. But the outer curve, the likes of which I’ve never seen this large and pronounced, on any bed in the forty years I’ve been in this business, is 68″ wide….unheard of. The headboard is 6′ tall. I’ve never had a bed this impressive. The brass is beautifully integrated in to the overall design. Truly a “one of a kind”………….