This country was not known for their iron daybeds. Daybeds were something the Europeans did more of.
In this country we did more regular twin size beds. So when someone wants an iron daybed with and American made bed, we take a twin size and cut the head down to the height of he footboard. Most of the time we never did a back. “Backs” are more of a modern day thing to hold up the big pillows shams and give the daybed more of a couch effect.
In some very rare instances I have fabricated a back, using another bed we happen to have. In this photo you’ll see an iron bed that was complete, which we used sections of the footboard to elongate the headboard for the use of a back. It can obviously get a little pricey because you’re buying a twin and a double size bed.
Reproduction fabricate backs for their daybeds. But back in the 1800’s we never put backs on our beds.
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