Cathouse Beds

Accessorizing Your Antique Bed Frame

The beauty of just about anything in life, be it a beautiful woman, or a piece of bedroom furniture, can be enhanced by the way you accessorize them . Bracelets , necklaces and earrings on one , and lamps, pillows and comforters on the other. Although a Spartan setting might call for a minimal amount of…

Cathouse Beds

British Canopy Beds

They are unmistakable. Their construction is very standardized. Yet the metal beds being made in England in the 1800’s all have the same problem …… instability. Why? Because there are way too many connecting points, where iron tubing is joined to brass tubing or iron rods are connected to iron tubingand those connections are problematic…

Cathouse Beds

The Romance of Antique Beds

The vehicle that is bringing you this information has done more to  better the world, bring people together and make our lives better than any single invention since the telephone  or possibly as far back as Gutenberg’s printing press. It has narrowed the gap between nations, brought us closer to a cure for countless diseases  and…

Antique Bed

The Height of Your Antique Bed

Elevating todays mattresses on old antique beds can often pose quite a dilemma. When antique iron beds were being made back in the 1800’s, the rail system that held the mattresses off the ground was at an average of 13″. Todays Hollywood and Harvard bed frames are only 5″ off the ground. This whole issue…