cathouse beds

Behind the Veil a Bed Waits

Many of my customers are looking for that first “big girl” bed, for their daughters. Because most people are trying to be conservative in their selection of a bed and may have some concerns about the duration a child is going to want what they’re spending their hard earned money on, there are ways of…

cathouse beds

Angels from Above Meet Iron from Below

Yesterday I posted a blog that showed the casting on a bed of the “Lone Star” emblem of Texas, encased in a “horse shoe”. It was right our of the wild west and a definite Texas phenom. This casting came on a bed that we found close to Chicago Illinois. Chicago had it’s share of…

cathouse beds

Texas and Iron Beds West of the Mississippi

It’s  commonly thought that back in the early to mid-1800’s most of the iron beds that were being made were coming out of the tri-state area of Ohio, Pennsylvania and W. Virginia. So you certainly wouldn’t expect a northern foundry to be producing a bed with a western flare to it. Then how did such…

cathouse beds

Iron Bed Hospitality Symbolism on Iron Beds

The use of “Symbolism” in the castings of iron beds was a strong continuous theme throughout the 1800’s. Small independently owned foundries made beautiful molds of floral arrangements, animals, and mythical characters as symbols, their patrons wanted in the 1800’s. One of the most popular symbols back then, that most  beds employed in some way…