Antique Iron Beds

The “French Curve” Unique Stlye on Antique Iron Beds

In the mid-1800s, an exceptional antique iron and brass bed emerged, epitomizing the design and craftsmanship of the era. This masterpiece seamlessly blended scrolled brass accents into its design and featured elegant “French Curves” along its outer perimeter, reflecting the fervor of a time when creativity knew no bounds. The Perfect Fusion This bed’s unique…

Antique Iron Beds

“Transitional” Style Antique Iron Bed

What is a “Transitional” style antique iron bed ? It’s a bed design/style, that falls between two distinctive established design styles, like Victorian, Art Nouveau, Craftsman, Austere, or Art Deco, It’s style encompasses elements from two distinctively different styles. The attached photo, has casting’s that are definitely from the Victorian era, yet curved tubing and…