Extremely rare today and a luxury back in the 1800’s, matching twin iron beds are few and far between. Why would matching twin beds be so rare today. Simple……there were far fewer of them made than any other beds being made. So why were there far fewer being made? Again…simple……few people had the luxury of space required of a matching set of twin beds. Homes were smaller and twins were usually only use if a family had one child. If there were more than one child, they were usually put sideways in a double size bed and as many as three and four children could be in a double size, if they were positions on the width and not the length. As the child would grow beyond the width of the double bed, which was 53″, they were usually given their own bed.
Matching twin beds were a real luxury…..then and now. The ones pictured here are extremes in style. One pair is more a “Craftsman” style and the other matching canopy beds are more scrolled and Victorian in nature.
If you notice in all TV series like “I Love Lucy” , “My Three Sons “, “Leave It To Beaver” etc., etc. puritan ethics of the time and advertisers established guidelines requiring even married couples be separated in their own twin size bed. Prime time shows were not aloud to have a couple, even a married couple in the same bed . During that period, what few matching twin beds that were still around, were picked up by collectors.
If you’re looking for a dramatic look in a guest room or a child’s room, and you have the luxury of space, there are few things you can do that will give you that “WOW” factor, than a matching pair of metal beds.
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to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at our company Face Book page for multiple photo albums on Custom Finishes, Canopy Conversions and a comprehensive “Before & After” King Conversions album.