The use of the symbolic meaning of flowers on iron beds and particularly in their detailed castings to represent emotions was developed to a high degree during Victorian times. Due to the strict protocol of the times, emotions, wishes and thoughts were not openly expressed between men and women. Instead, subtle things like bed designs were used to convey an elaborate language based on flower symbolism was developed. Gifts of either single flowers or bouquets conveyed clear messages to the recipient. Beds with floral castings also relayed a certain emotion and often one that people wanted for their bedrooms.
During the Victorian era, flowers adorned nearly everything–hair, clothing, jewelry, home decor, china plates, stationary, wallpaper, furniture and especially bed castings and more. Even the scents of flowers had their own meanings in the language of flowers. For example, a scented handkerchief might be given in place of actual flowers. It was not uncommon for newly weds to receive a new iron bed from the families of the groom or bride. To this day I actually sell a number of our beds to people for wedding presents. Think of it… what better way for a couple to start out So if you ever wonder why flowers were used so prominently in the construction of iron beds, you need look no further than the times and the inhibited manner in which people communicated.
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