Assembling an antique bed is a simple process……..but be careful. There are no screws or bolts needed to assemble your bed. The side rails, that connect the headboard to the footboard, fit in a simple “drop in” method. The mistake people make is in using a hammer to pound the rails down in to the “hitch” of the head and footboard. The end of the siderail has a cast iron “conical” shape that was poured on the end of the rail, when the bed was made in the 1800’s. This conical end fit’s into an “opposite” shape that was also poured on the head and footboard when the bed was constructed. It’s important to NOT try and pound the siderail into the “hitches” with a hammer. Although still around for nearly 200 years, these beds should be treated with the same care anything of this age should be cared for.
There is a thing called “harmonic concussion”. This is when a newly made cast iron hammer head hit’s a much older piece of cast iron who’s molecular content has altered and become more brittle. To eliminate the possibility of this “harmonic concussion” occurring on your bed, use a rubber mallet or a piece of wood.
Keep in mind…….it’s not always necessary for the side rail on your iron beds to be flush with the top of the hitch….just secure.
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to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
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