Quite often a customer comes to me requesting just headboards. That use to be a bit of a dilemma because I only buy compete iron beds…..headboards, footboards and side rails.
But then some people just don’t have the pace in small bedrooms for a complete iron bed. When that is the case, we can offer the two matching headboards by raising the footboard of any bed to the height of the headboard. It’s also a tremendous savings because you now are only having to purchase one bed as appose to two.
A you can see on the photo of the bed to the left, this was a complete bed with head, foot and siderails. We took the footboard and cut it……added additional tubing to the legs and raised it up the the height of the headboard.
Although we’d prefer not having to alter a bed. But if it’s necessary for the room setting and allowable space……I’m all for it.
The footboard of an antique iron bed only adds 2 to 3 extra inches to the length and also brings with it a complete look.