Although the “art panel” iron beds that were being made back in the early 1800’s, certainly not the Deco period of the 1920’s and 30’s, definitely had a Deco feel to them. Take a look at this photo of a bed that was made in 1820. You would think with these more modern lines like this , it would have been made with in the early 1900’s……. not with beds from the early 1800’s.
If you see the original art work on these beds, they definitely have a more Victorian look to them. But if you refinish them as we did this one, they can take on a whole different time period…….such as Deco.
One of the things that people like about our beds is their adaptability to different time periods. They can achieve this flexible nature by the finishes that are applied on them. A stark raw finish in a natural iron, can give a much more modern look than if a bed has been painted with a crackle finish or Two Tone finish.
Antique iron beds have the flexibility to blend with any decor because they can be painted repeatedly for whatever setting they are used in. Deco panel beds even have more adaptability because the panels can be painted flat, distressed and crackled, or painted with floral arrangements and stencils.